Monitored Personal Alarm Myths Debunked

Monitored personal alarms are designed to keep seniors and those at risk of medical emergencies safe, and their loved ones comforted with the knowledge of their 24/7 protection. However, despite the many benefits monitored personal alarms present, doubts surrounding the technology are still prevalent today. 

We’re here to debunk those common misconceptions and provide clarity to those who are interested in monitored personal alarms but are wary as a result. 

Personal Alarms Only Work Inside

There are a fair few people who believe that monitored personal alarms only work indoors. Yet this couldn’t be further from the truth. Monitored personal alarms operate on 4G networks, meaning help can be contacted wherever a mobile signal is available. And most mobile personal alarm devices also have built-in GPS, allowing the wearer to be safely tracked when they call for help.

Monitored Alarms Are Hard to Set Up

With all the recent developments in technology, it’s not uncommon to assume that a device such as a personal alarm could be difficult to set up and install. However, modern personal alarms are user-friendly, and designed to prioritise comfort. These devices can come as a simple pendant or watch, both lightweight and discreet, with minimal set-up and installation required for ease of wear.

They Only Work During Business Hours

A monitored personal alarm should be available 24/7 to emergency responders. This allows you to contact help immediately and reduces the precious time you spend waiting for them to arrive.

Monitored Personal Alarms Are Expensive

Cost is a definite concern for many people, and while the cost of these devices varies, it’s important to remember that many reputable providers offer affordable options.

Depending on a person’s circumstances, there may be government-funded options available through schemes such as the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP), Home Care Packages and the NDIS. There are also some state programs such as Personal Alert Assistance SA and Personal Alert Victoria.

Monitored Personal Alarms Are Unnecessary If You Have a Mobile Phone

Monitored personal alarms actually provide dedicated and faster access to help, as they remove the steps of unlocking a phone, scrolling through apps, and manually typing in a number. In some cases, such as a fall, the user may not be able to access their phone, leaving them vulnerable and unable to contact help immediately.


While there are plenty of myths surrounding monitored personal alarms, they’re just that: myths. Having access to a monitored personal alarm has numerous benefits for both the wearer and their loved ones, providing enhanced protection and independence daily. 

At PERSL, our members’ devices adhere to the highest standards and quality, offering 24/7 monitoring, advanced features, and designs made to be comfortable. 

To find out more about our members’ monitored personal alarms and how they can be of use to you, get in touch with us today.